Book review: Sleepers by Megg Jensen

Sleepers (The Swarm Trilogy, #1)Sleepers by Megg Jensen

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received a free copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks to the author Megg Jensen and the publisher, DarkSide Publishing.

In the world of Sleepers, the first book in The Swarm Trilogy by Megg Jensen, there are people with fiery red hair, piercing blue eyes and magic and on the other hand there’s… the not-so-cool average folk. For years, there has been tension between the Fithians and the Dalagan – the Fithians being your average human folk and the Dalagan being a magical group of people who were conquered by the aforementioned. Lianne, a Dalagan adoptee and personal handmaiden to the Queen of Fithian, gets her world turned upside down when she turns sixteen and discovers that she is capable of the magic of her people. When the Queen gets accused of treason and is sent to the dungeons to await her execution, Lianne, enraged and capable to fight, has to make life-changing decisions to help save her dear royal friend.

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WWW Wednesdays #13

  Hello buddies, remember me? I have decided to return from the land of book-dead after a two week hiatus. Things have not really quieted down here, nor have things really improved, but I do want to get back into reading and tomorrow marks the release day for one of the ARC’s I got offered, so I’m trying to get back into things! If you are still here, thank you!


Hosted by Shouldbereading

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…

• What are you currently reading?
• What did you recently finish reading?
• What do you think you’ll read next?

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Stacking the Shelves – #6


It is once again Saturday, which means it’s time for another Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga’s Reviews. In Stacking the Shelves, you show the books you’ve recently purchased, borrowed or otherwise got, be it physical or virtual which you, naturally, will be adding to your shelves! For more information about it all, visit this page.

I did manage to get a few books off Netgalley this time, which I’m very happy about. I have about five more pending titles which I hope to get approved as well, but considering my approval rate is dropping with every book I get granted, I’m skeptical. Let’s move on to the books I did get!

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